Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4: Exercise

Well, I think the irritation has passed. It has been replaced by a certain joy that I am in control, that I am making some progress, that, finally, I am doing the RIGHT THING.

I certainly feel more refreshed. Whether that is hydration, or no alcohol just letting me sleep better, or what, I don't know. But I do feel rested, and sharper, and it has only really been 3 days.

Food has been going pretty well. I feel on the right track with that too, although we'll see. Went for my first walk under the new regime last night. I had been exercising quite a bit pre getting off the turps, and I want to ramp that up again. I especially want to go for a huge walk on Saturday morning, because I have a flash dinner Friday night that would have, in the parallel drinking universe, seen me hung over for all of Saturday for sure, and not walking or eating normally.

Today I am going to be among people drinking for the first time. At the UQ staff club, which I am very fond of. They have all sorts of delicious beers on tap. Just not for me.

Perhaps I should go out of my way to exercise Friday morning for the same reason I want to exercise Saturday morning. To show myself why I'm doing this.


  1. Keep up the good work mate.

    I wish you well with being around other drinkers for the first time. I find that one of the hardest things to deal with myself.

    I'm at day 3, not sure whether it's gonna stay that way or not, but either way I'm determined to get fit. I'm exercising every day. I find it makes a big difference to my mental state.

    Like you I am faced with the heavy drinkers tonight. Wish me well!!!

    Cheers Mate.


  2. Thanks mate. I really appreciate your support, especially since I was inspired by your blog (pity it is not still there as I enjoyed reading it). Since we are at the same dates, why not join me for the year.

    Shit now I've become an evangeliser. There is none so virtuous as a reformed whore - and it's only been 3 days. I need to watch that big time. I am not anti-alcohol, it's great - I am anti me not being able to be fit and lean when I'm on it (I don't have masive binge or social problems). So if you work it out with exercise and diet then you've won as far as I'm concerned. That's the ideal. I'd love to be there once I've done a body reset.

