Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 75: Fucking calf

Pulled my fucking calf muscle again!

Actually just stubbed my toe, and WHAM, it was away, I howled with pain, involuntarily, and had to reach for a tree.

I had a bit of trouble getting back home from on the hill where I was. In the little bit of uphill I wasn't sure how I was going to do it.

What a shit!!!!!!! I was just starting to feel good around the hill. After so long.

I think I should see a physio. I've got the fucking thing on ice now but it's painful and I need to go off to work soon.

I guess I knew this was coming. Not *this*, but something. There is always something that comes along on a long term health kick and tries to throw you off your game. Often it is illness. Sometimes it is injury. Sometimes it is a wedding (gotta have a drink there haven't you?).

The trick is to not let it stop you. The advice is to rest and get back into it when you are well.

Even though you don't want to stop because you are in the groove.

Got a big firm function tonight. Massive piss up.

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