Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 82: Me falling off the horse

This is the week I fall off the horse. Not with grog, but with exercise and food.

I had a shocker with food yesterday, and ate some crap I haven't eaten in a while. Made me feel like shit, quite depressed really, and reminded me that you feel better when you eat real food.

My calf is still bothering me. I can just feel it when I'm sitting about. I just hope that it goes ok when I test it tomorrow.

I need to get back into something or I'm just going to run in the wrong direction.


  1. Hey mate.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get back on that fucking horse and do it!

    You know what makes you feel better do it!

    You have to....

    Don't let yourself down AGAIN.

    This is the last time you do this!

    Sorry to be blunt mate, but like me we both have got to do this.



  2. Brett
    Thanks for the rev up. It's a mind game. Sometimes you can get out of sorts. Exercise helps. But you're right.
