Well, I'm back into the exercise - 3 days in a row now; twice around the hill and once around the river after work. Plus I did the stairs 6 times after the work this morning.
I've found out I've got 12 weeks until Milford. So the weigh in on Monday is important. I've got a target weight for then and I will work towards that from here on in.
I'm also keen to not buy food for lunch, or crap for dinner. That is, I want to eat stuff that is made at home. I've made this huge batch of soup and munched it last night (along with home made pizza) and have some more soup for lunch. I'll keep eating it while I like it!
Ok, you've inspired me. I'm taking September and october off the grog (I managed Dry July and have felt cruddy after a wet August).
ReplyDeleteI plan to have a few bubblies on my birthday weekend in late September but that will be my only "free pass".
Thanks for the inspiration ...