Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 99: 14 Weeks; 10.9kg

Well, I hopped back ok the scales. I was disappointed as I've "put on" 2kg in the last month, pretty much since my injury. All I can do is keep measuring and watch it go down rather than up over time, and get better with my food and daily exercise. It shows how you can never take your eyes off the ball, even for a second, and you can't just rely on not drinking for ongoing weight loss.

I had a great weekend doing the sort of thing I want to do sober: kayaking in the noosa everglades -, which I did not even know existed even though it is only a couple of hours drive away. I camped overnight after about 4 or 5 hours paddling, and then paddled back the next day.

Boy were my arms sore during the night. Very very sore, even with painkillers. Shows how weak I am in the upper body. I'm thinking about buying my own single man kayak and going out for a couple of hours a week. That would be a positive, outdoor things to do which would also be fun and help me get a bit of strength and definition in the arms.

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