Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 273: Week 39 13.5kg (.4kg loss)

Well .4 down from last week. Pretty disappointed, but my view is if the number is smaller then that's fine. It all adds up.

This week, exercise every day, including the weekend this time. Work and back where I can. Cootha on the weekend. No crap.

See how I go.

UPDATE: Shocking food for lunch. Had a good dinner, and went for an hour walk after work. Plan on walking in tomorrow morning.


  1. .4 is good! At least it's in the right direction.

    Remember you are doing a hell of a lot more than most people.


  2. Like Brett said you are doing a hell of a lot more then a lot of people (and the way you are going about it is very healthy... no extremes) ... A loss is a loss....
