So, over a kilo in difference from 3 days ago. That's the fluid loss I was mentioning after the big walk.
The main thing is that it settled on the right side of 15 (just). So that means that it's still 1.5kg from a couple of weeks ago so that's excellent.
I do feel as though I'm on a bit of a roll. Food wise definitely trying to avoid obvious crap, especially biscuits from the firm jar and orange juice. I'm hooting along the path in the mornings, as I mentioned.
I also mentioned the 25kg yesterday for the 12 months and that is still my goal. I just know what it is like when you are trying and not going down. I think I'm out of that situation now, especially if I get into the dumbbells (from next week - 3 times per week). If in a couple of weeks I am not moving I will have to get stricter from a food perspective ie eat less you fat bastard. At the moment I'm just trying to keep quality high rather than say only so much.
One thing that makes it hard for me is eating out for work. I'm out again today and that will be twice in a week at a fine dining establishment. I know I just need to make smart choices but it is something that is difficult, even if you do try and make the right choices.
I was also thinking as I walked yesterday about the future, beyond the 12 months, and drinking. I'm bored with not drinking now. Not in the sense I wish I was drinking, but I'm so over drinking I'm bored about thinking about not drinking. For the longest time my health kick has been nothing to do with drinking, really, but rather doing the things that not drinking lets me do in order to improve my health, lose weight, and look like the fit guy.
Interesting that.
So back to my future. This ends in something like 10 weeks. Not fucking long!!! That will fly by. Am I going to get back on the piss then and celebrate. No fucking chance. I'm telling you. No fucking chance. I'm feeling good. I'm moving in the right direction. I've lost 15kg. I want to lose more.
Piss would undo all of that.
So no, no piss in 10 weeks I think. What ever?, one might ask. Well, I don't have to answer that, I've decided. I think you can say you are off the piss, or off the drink, if you are currently not drinking, without having to say that you are never drinking. Probably easier culturally too, at least here in Australia.
"I don't drink" - FUCKWIT!
"I'm off the piss!" - Wow, what's this guy up to?
And I think that would be right. Mentally I don't want to say I won't drink again. I want to drink again. I think it's healthy. Heart disease runs in my family through my mothers side (her father died at 50). Booze in moderation really helps you not die. That sounds good.
So some day. But at the moment, mid-transformation from slob to triathlete, getting back on the piss sounds like a step backwards.
Speaking of triathlons. That is one of my goals. I think I'll have a 2 year plan after this year with a goal of doing a proper triathlon and not look like a slob. Not with a focus on not drinking, which will be boring, a given, but with a focus on being athletic and exuding health. Being the fit guy that walks past, not the beer drinking slob who loves a drink and is everyone's mate.
All very grand, and perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. I mentioned my goal and two year plan to the attractive 26 year old in the office next to me at work. She looked me up and down, and said "Hmm, yeah, 3 years".
3 years is fine.
Fantastic post my friend!
ReplyDeleteThink of me wont you whilst dining. I'm just about to tuck into my home made curried chicken salad in my truck and you are out on the town...... ;-(
I totally understand what you said about not wanting to think about not drinking. I have had so many people on a forum I visit tell me that I need to go to AA. That's not me. I'm loving not drinking. I feel great. Most people respect my wishes this time round. I don't feel like drinking!!!
I reckon you could do a triathlon in a year if you put your mind to it but to make it fair I'll hold you to 2.
All the same mate you have done an amazing job. I can't believe you only have 10 weeks to go. Fucking great job!!!
You have certainly inspired me.
Cheers mate.