Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 years!!!

Hello cyber friends

I noticed it has been 2 years since I started this little venture.

Well, I am still off the piss!!! And no I don't think about it, much anyway.

I wrote a (very) little ebook about my experiences (alias) on the link I posted earlier. I sell about one every day or so, mainly in the UK, if you are interested. No Amazon has not yet posted me a royalty cheque, but I expect they will any day now.......

I put on some weight after I started going to the gym, and ended up going to see a specialist who is helping me out. I'm now 25kg down on where I was 2 years ago.

So yes, going off the piss has made me healthier.

I have gone from a grog monster to someone that doesn't even think about it. Well, almost never.

I did go to Sydney last week and bizarrely I wanted a drink. I think it was because it was my old stomping grounds.

No chance I would have one, but it was bizarre evening wanting one.

Let me know how you are going.

(ex) Grogger