Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 307: Musings

You know, there really is fuck all content out there on the internet about being off the piss. Not written by sane people, anyway. Sometimes, to feel better or out of curiosity, I google being off the piss, and I always end up reading the same few articles.

I think perhaps it is because most medical types are well and truly ON the piss. Med students are notorious pissheads, who move onto drugs as soon as they get access to the in hospitals (at least the ones I knew). Same as dentists. Huge piss heads.

In fact, here in Australia, pretty well EVERYONE, professionals included, are huge pissheads. Or at least heavy drinkers. Certainly your doctor is, as he sits there lecturing you.

Almost guaranteed he gets pissed regularly.

My own grandfather was a surgeon. He is probably the most alco guy I ever knew. Drank every day, all night. Fosters. Functional. Also smoked like a chimney. Died of lung cancer in his 60s.

Poor bastard lost his wife to cancer in her 30s. That may have driven him to the drink.

Anyway, my point is that pretty well every medical person I know is a huge, or at least moderate, pisshead. Same as lawyers.

Nothing wrong with that, of course. But it's interesting that there isn't more written about not drinking on the web. There is the clinical stuff, of course, written by some guy with a lab coat on or a big pair of glasses, but nothing you can relate to.

Nothing written by a normal person.

Just an observation. You don't need to follow the thinking of others. You shouldn't really. There is so much crap out there, all trying to manipulate you, for your money generally. Or for your body, if you are female and marginally attractive.

Same as advertising for food, and even government recommendations based on food industry interests. All crap.

Look at the diet trends. Some scant research appears on a topic and then a whole industry appears flogging it. Consider the appearance of low fat ice cream followed by low carb ice cream over 20 years. Next will be omega 3 ice cream.

I've told you my plan was to become Mr Mediterranean. But then I noticed the years I tried to live like that resulted in me being heavier. So I'm heading back into South East Asia for a while. To see how I go.

Bit of a shock to the system this weekend let me tell you. I had a Viet meal with healthy soup, chicken dish and cabbage stir fry. I've cooked a noodle dish with beef and thai basil. I've cooked another noodle dish with an egg and soy sauce. I've also cooked some chinese dry shredded pork for fried rice during the week (this stuff is freakin addictive).

Might be some fluid retention for all the sauces.

So anyway. New diet. Olive oil fucked off. See how long I can keep it up, and whether or not there are any improvements in the right direction if I keep up the exercise.

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