Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 291: How to smash it out

Well, come Sunday, I think, it will be 10 weeks to the end.

I'm really really keen to smash it out during this time. To grunt and make an effort for this last little bit.

I mean how many times do you finish off your year off the grog?

I know in the past it has been a mistake to go too hard, but this is the last little bit. My old swim coach (yes I used to have one) used to say to me, don't be afraid to push yourself.

To be honest, when it comes to restricting food for weight loss, to reach an outcome, I have been afraid.

I'm very good at eating well, in terms of real food, deftly prepared. But I'm not so good at eating a small amount of it, so I do not lose weight due to having a lot less food. Every single time I have tried that, I have failed. Any success I have had has always been due to not being on the piss, exercising like a champ, and cutting out crap food.

But I would like to end the year with a giant fuck you to any detractors. I think modifying eating habits, by way of making a bit more of an effort, could help. A few more salads. Cutting back on seconds. Being a little hungrier during the day. Waking up hungrier.

Just a thought. Either way I'm determined to knock it out for 10 weeks. I'll be flexible as to how I get there, so long as there is progress.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!

    Set big goals and work fucking hard!

    You mentioned you started doing a bit of jogging during your walks. Why not try a few 30 second sprints after you have warmed up? This will keep your metabolism firing all day and increase your overall fitness rapidly.

    If you did this 3 times a week for 20 minutes and 45 minutes of strength training 3 times a week, I'm confident you would lose between 5 & 10kgs.

    I understand if you tell me to fuck off & mind my own business but I really want you to do this for your own sake. I've sensed your frustration of late & want you to hit your goal. It would also be nice to stick it up those doubters!

    Good luck mate.

