Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 321: Sleep

I find it tough to get a good sleep. I know when I went off the piss I noticed I slept better. But I seem to often wake up too early. I think part of it is my girlfriend. She hogs the bed and makes funny noises. That makes it more difficult.

Day 321 today. I'm really aware the end is neigh; creeping along, day by way, week by week. 6 weeks left basically, till I have been off the sauce for a year.

It hasn't been a great week. I was going so well, and then lost a bit of momentum/focus/had some blowouts.

So much of it is mental. I know no one wants to to hear your problems (or perhaps you do, reading this....) but if you are feeling sorry for yourself it is harder to be Mr Fit. I think my dodgy knee certainly made it harder, but it isn't the whole story.

I think if your life is out of whack a bit then it's easier to feel sorry for yourself, and to make poor choices, out of stress, boredom or depression and the like. Big Fat Bastard from Austin Powers? Perhaps.

Had lunch with a client yesterday. He had a few beers, checking if I was ok with it. Strange. I couldn't give a rats he was drinking. No pangs of regret for me. It didn't even register with my brain. At the end of the lunch he was a little fired up and reminisced in the old days it would have been me urging him to drink on.

No chance now. And how would I be feeling right now, if we did that, at 4.00 the next morning?

Shithouse, that's how. And half a kilo fatter from the 10 hour binge.

I need a new hobby or something I think, to make things more interesting. I'm not sure cooking is all that productive, and I'm a little bored with that one. I might look around at canoes and a roof rack, to be able to go off myself and paddle for a few hours on a Saturday morning. That's active and fun and positive. Sounds cool as well, when talking about the weekend, doesn't it, to be off for a paddle somewhere.

Plus it is using my arms rather than my legs.

I should also start using those weights. I bought the bloody things, and a book. I think I just need to start lifting them at nights. I can refine the routine some other time. Using them in any way would be better than not at all.

Anyway, I'm going to try and get back to sleep.


  1. Do you like cycling? Good for dodgy knees.

    Give the weights a go. Who knows, you may like em. I'd love these DB's I've seen on Ebay but the budget is a bit tight at the moment. They are awesome. You just dial in the weight you want and lift.

    I agree though. You sound like you need something. If I lived up there mate I'd gladly exercise with ya.

    Have a good one.


  2. Brett makes a good point - cycling has been a revelation for me - I love it! 40 miles on a sunday morning, little or no stress on the back or knees and the best part of 2000 calories burnt if you give it a good go. You can even stop for a coffee half way round so as not to become a boring time-trial wanker, keeps a little perspective! Chin up mate - soon on to the next stage in your life, how exciting is that?
