Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday part 2

Ok, so that's depressing. Do I run off and buy a box of light and easy?

No, things were working. What fucked it up was going on that fucking work retreat, being stressed at work, and missing my daily exercise, and eating crap at the retreat.

I also ate out 3 times last week at fancy restaurants! And once at at ok one.

So, my approach is:

1. Exercise every day.
2. Don't eat crap.
3. No piss.

That works. When I'm heading in the wrong direction if I look back at my behaviour I haven't been doing 1 and 2.

For some reason I've been like a champ with 3. Someone at work complemented me on 3 last week, with the absolutely shithouse week I had. I think she wondered how I did it.

I don't know to be honest. Something in my brain just switched and said, that's it, a year off the piss, and I've been able to do it.

Normally I'm not that strong mentally.

If I could work that one out I'd be a rich man.

1 comment:

  1. Go for it mate - home straight now and a fantastic achievement in sight - the food stuff is always a challenge when you lead a busy life and have stressors to deal with - but its amazing how quickly you can get back into it - and in the long run no real harm done - at least you not fucking your head as well by going back on the piss - Midnight.
