Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 8: On a roll

Well, I took advantage of my hangover free Sunday to go for another walk around the mountain. It is probably close to one hour forty five minutes, up and down hills.

Definitely feeling better. A mate reckons he can see that I'm starting to look healthier already, which is extraordinary. I feel as though if I keep it up I will get smaller - you know how you can feel when you are moving in the right direction fitness/weight wise.

I still don't have the drive I don't think to smash out cootha 7 days per week in the dark (like now, as I write this on the 8th day before 6 in the morning). But I have plenty of time to build up to things. My goal this week is simply to walk every day, and if I'm feeling a bit timid after my 2 Cootha efforts on the weekend, then I can just walk after work.

I can always build it up next week.

Food wise my plan at this stage is simply to eat real food. No artificial shit. Yesterday was ok: omelette for brekky, stew and potato gratin for lunch and ribs and salad and BBQ'd eggplant for tea. Only thing off about all that were the American style ribs. They are making me feel 'fatty' now the next day - something that happens when I eat fats I don't like eating.

I did feel a bit like a drink when I fired up the barbie yesterday, but I could slap that aside and as usual did not miss it when I was actually eating my dinner. It shows that my pangs are circumstantial and habitual rather than physical which is fortunate. They say it takes about 3 months to change a habit.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes before my mind stops thinking, "Hmm it makes sense to have a drink now" in certain circumstances.

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