Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 48 Part I: Day of rest

I ended up having Friday off. It was after 4 days around the hill, so I think that's fine. Had a big boozy day (well, those around me did). I was at an end of year financial lunch at a fine place, and did feel a pang let me tell you, others were on the piss from 12.30 to 4.30, then we had to go to work drinks at 5.00 back in the office, where even more people were drinking even more piss into the night.

Let me tell you, piss is everywhere in our culture. Absolutely everywhere. All the time.

It certainly is a different perspective sober. I mean, the culture of professional people working all day, solving difficult problems, and then being encouraged by their employer to gather as a group in a particular spot and get pissed, drinking a drug, together - it's just mad isn't it. Imagine if some hunters and gatherers did the same but getting off on some poisonous berries. We'd think they were savages wouldn't we, and certainly wouldn't tolerate it if we employed them and they whipped out the berries after work and started acting intoxicated. Or gave them to clients!

Strange how our ancient rituals have become normalised even though they are pretty weird. Like drinking cows milk. How casually do we do that - drink liquid that comes from another animal's body (not even our own species - we consider that gross). We don't think about it. Other animals don't even do it. If we saw a monkey drinking from a cow we would think he was bonkers. I've got liters of the stuff in my fridge!!

Anyway, enough self reflection. The important thing is I didn't get on the drink. I did have a client contact me though and tell me they wanted me to visit them as an alcohol "celebrity".

I had to remind them I was off the drink, although I could run though a tasting if they wished.

Anyway, I ate too much food yesterday. Felt a bit crook during the night (I get a bit of reflux if eat a lot of rich or crap food). I want to do my walk today - preferably the big one. Will report back on that one.

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